Monday, June 13, 2016

Last Week! (June 13, 2016)

Hola Familia,

Wow! Your week sounds like it was super fun and super busy at the same time. I am glad to hear that you had a great time on your cruise. It is even better to know that you are enjoying every last second of me not being there. You only have 8 days left before you will have to deal with me again. It looks like the two year party is over. The food you ate sounds like it was really good. I can't believe you didn't like ceviche. It is Peru's national food and it is amazing. That is almost every Peruvian's favorite food. If you ever come to visit Peru everyone will give you ceviche. Gaining ten pounds in 1 week is a lot. I have only gained about 12 in 2 years.

That is really sad to hear about the shooting in the US. I hadn't heard about it. Due to just a few really screwed up people it makes a lot of people suffer.

I had heard and actually saw quite a bit of both the US and Peru game. Soccer is so big in this country that if there is a big game going on it is basically impossible to do anything. Hearing about how the US have played, I am a little worried that they will beat Ecuador. Hopefully they can pull it off. I ended up seeing a lot of the Peru game because everyone was watching it and anywhere we went it was on. We would pause and watch a few minutes anywhere we went. They played really well but got lucky with the hand goal. At least all the Peruvians are happy.

I can't believe this is my final week. It still doesn't feel like I will be going home next week. It honestly feels like I will be here forever. I have to be in the mission offices next Monday at noon. I will probably leave around 10 from my area. I might come to internet just for a few minutes so that my comps can start doing all the paperwork for zone. After I get to the offices I will weigh my suitcases and make sure everything is all set. I will then go with all my group to the last dinner with President Erickson. After dinner, I will go to the airport and be on my way home. It feels really weird writing this because it doesn't feel real yet.

We had a really crazy week. First, on Tuesday we had a special training by President Erickson. It was his final training and amazing. I learned so much doctrine. I am going to miss his trainings. Then on Wednesday we had our district meeting like always. On Thursday, I went to the temple with my companions. It was my chance to go to the temple. I loved it. I love going to the temple. The next time I come to the temple in Lima, it will probably the other one. On Friday, we had a special meeting with Elder Rasband. Yes, the Apostle. Do get there on time, we had to wake up at 2:30 in the morning. I only got about 4 hours of sleep that night. Miracously I wasn't tired until the end of the day. While I was listening to Elder Rasband, he talked about that we are all divinely called to serve where we are serving. I had heard this talk before and many people had told me that but it made me think of a personal revelation I recieved a while back. Once while I was teaching a family that was struggling, I had the strongest feeling telling me that I was called to serve in the Mision Peru Lima Norte so I could help these families and learn from them on how I could make my family stronger and so I could know how I wanted my family to be. The mission has taught me how I should raise my family to not have problems and how the Gospel will help me get over them when there are. His talk was amazing but seemed really short. We also got to shake his hand. That was also really cool because we could feel the Spirit really strong.

We worked really hard this week in finding new investigators. Even though I won't be here to be able to see them get baptized, I don't want to leave my area with nothing. Cetia, the 17 year old who needs to get married, came to church again. I won't be suprised if she gets married in July. We also had two more of our new investigators come to church.

I am so grateful for this opportunity I have had to serve a mission. It definately has not been easy but it has all been worth. The good parts outweigh the hard parts by a long ways. I wouldn’t trade the mission for anything. Everything I have done has all been worth it. The mission has been amazing. My testimony has been formed here. I am going to miss a lot of things (Marrying and Baptizing Families, Seeing the change in peoples lives, The food, Even the Bible Bashing...)

I love you lots and will see you soon,
Elder Isaacson

I thought I would send you a few songs that will trunk you out a little bit. These songs have been stuck in my head for the last few weeks and I wanted to share them with you.
I'm coming home, Skylar Grey
Home, Daughtry
Who says you can't go home, Bon Jovi.
I hope you guys don't get too trunky

Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 6, 2016

Hola Familia,

It sounds like it was quite the crazy and busy week. I can't believe Kaden is already home. It hit me the other day that I don't have any time left. It has gone by so fast. I bet it feels great to have the house to yourself. In a few weeks it won't be like that because I will be there. That stinks that Kyle got rear ended and the guy ran. What is worse, is that that happens all the time here. I have been rearended while in a taxi two times in these last 2 years. It also sounds like you are working hard getting the yard all ready for my homecoming. You shouldn't worry to much. I am also jealous of Mom and Kenzie. They are living up every last minute while I am gone. They started my mission by going on a trip and are now finishing it with a cruise. They probably don't want me to come home so they can keep traveling.

We had a pretty good week here. It was a little slow and weird. It was the second half of the Peruvian Presidential Elections. That means that there was no church on Sunday. We did an activity Saturday night so the investigators could get a church attendence. It was the same time as the Peru soccer game against Haiti. We didn't have a real good turn out. It could be a rough month on baptisms in the zone, but we will have to wait and see.

Everyone here is going crazy over the Copa America. A lot of people have rubbed it in my face that the US got killed by Columbia. It sounds like they played pretty bad. Hopefully I will be home so I can see some of the games.

We have found a few new investigators that are starting to progress. One of them is Maria's daughter, Katy. She is 14 and pretty cool. Her cousin is Felipe's daughter and brought her to church. Maria wants us to teach her daughter and she likes the church so hopefully there will be a baptism there.

We are also teaching a part family. Stanley is a less active who is 21 and contacted us. He presented us to his live in girlfriend. They are really cool and both came to the activity this week. They also want to get married. The problem is... It that Stanley's girlfriend, Cetia, is 17 years old. She needs permission from one of her parents to get married but they don't want to give it. We still haven't been able to talk with her mom so we can help convince her but we are still hoping we can get them married so Cetia can get baptized.

That is about all that is going on here. The zone is trying to make me trunky. They gave me a countdown calender. 16 DAYS LEFT!!!!!

Love you lots,
Elder Isaacson

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Elder Isaacson's Homecoming!

Hola Friends and Family!

Elder Isaacson's homecoming will be June 26th at 9:00 a.m. We would love to have you come listen to him speak and come to our house after to eat a good brunch.

Our church building's address is
2200 S. 4300 W.
Ogden, Utah 84401

Our house address is
4380 W. 3300 S.
West Haven, Utah 84401

We are so excited for Karter to be home and to celebrate it with everyone he loves! Hope to see you all there!

May 30, 2016

Hola Familia,

It sounds like it was a pretty crazy week. I had completely forgot that it was memorial day. It is always nice to get a day off. I can't believe you guys are doing so many fun things. Kenzie has now graduated. Her small senior trip sounds like it was pretty fun. I can't believe Mom and Kenzie are going on a cruise. That will be way fun. We will have to get back at them and go on some trip without them. I can't believe we didn't draw out for any deer tag. I thought we were garunteed to draw out. I guess we will just go elk hunting. I was actually hoping to do both hunts but now I will have more time to go duck hunting with Dex and see how well his dog works.

We had an amazing week here in Mariategui. The best part was probably Friday. Miguel and Gianina got married. The ceremony was in the mission offices. We were supposed to get there at 2:30. We left at 2:10 and it usually takes an hour to get to the offices. Felipe, my convert and Gianina's brother, drove us in his taxi. He drove a little crazy but we made it in 40 minutes. It was pretty impressive. Miguel and Gianina looked really good in their suit and dress. A lot of their family came and supported them. They were really happy the whole time. When we got back, they had a reception in their house. We were only their for about an hour and had to leave at 9:30. They told us that the party ended at 3:30 in the morning. We were a little worried that Miguel's family would make him drink, but he stayed strong. Also, a lot of members came and helped them stay strong. They next day was just as good. Both Miguel and Gianina were baptized. I baptized Miguel and Elder Page baptized Gianina. Sunday was fast and testimony meeting because there is no church Sunday due to the second half of elections. Miguel got up and shared his testimony. My comps and I were gleaming from ear to ear because we know he will stay strong in the church.

We also had a good zone conference on Wednesday. It was my second to last one. I always love hearing from President Erickson and learning from him. I always gain a ton of knowledge from him. I am going to miss when he teaches us.

We have found a lot of new families this week. We ended up finding 4 new families that are really cool. The bad thing is, is that they all need to get married. It looks like I will be doing a lot of marriage papers. That is always a big headache. The worst part is that the marriage is going to be on June 24th. I will have to do all the preperations but I won't get to enjoy the marriage. At least I will know that I helped these families change their lives. That is what is important.

I hope you have a great holiday,
Elder Isaacson

May 23, 2016

Hola Familia,

It makes me glad to hear that you are all staying busy back home. I am still in shock that Kenzie is going to graduate today. Time has passed so fast. I still remember Kenzie as a little sophmore. Everything has changed so much. That is good to hear that Steve and Coyte are doing well. Hopefully Coyte can stay out of trouble. That is crazy weather you have been having. I haven't seen wind or rain for two years. It will be weird to see it again.

We had a pretty good week here. Miguel and Yanina came to church and are really excited to get married and baptized. They had their final baptismal interview yesterday. They are all set for Saturday. They are going to be really strong converts. Miguel already pays his tithing and has a strong testimony of the church. They are a little stressed out for the marriage and the reception but everything is set up. I will be sure and take lots of pictures of the marriage.

Maria and Martin didn't come to church again. We are thinking about leaving them. We are going to stop visiting this week and hopefully they will realize how much they actually need this Gospel in their lives. They like to learn and have been able to see how much their family has been blessed from us teaching them but they don't want to change completely. We will just have to wait and see what happens with them.

We got a few new investigators this week that are pretty cool. Miguel presented us to his brother and we started teaching him and his family. They couldn't come to church this week but they said they would come next week. We also got a cool reference. A lady brought her friend to church. We are going to pass by this week and start teaching her.

We had a good meeting with Presidente Erickson. He gave us a great training on how to use the Spirit in teaching and helping our investigators recieve personal revelation.

I can't wait to see you, It won't be long now,
Elder Isaacson

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016

Hola Familia,

I can't believe everything is coming to an end. The school year is basically over, Kenzie is going to graduate, and I am almost home. The time has flown by. We have to live every moment because in the end we will miss all of it.

I can't believe you pulled a tree down on top of the truck. I about had a heart attack when I heard that. I was scared that you had completely destroyed it. At least it was just the cover and not the truck. The cover is a lot easier and cheaper to repair.

I had a pretty good week here in the ward. The best news is that Eva got baptized. The better part was that she didn't die in the baptism. She is 77 years old and there is only cold water. We couldn't heat up the water for her baptism. We were a little worried about her that she would be alright for her baptism. In the end, everything went well and she didn't die or get sick.

We were also able to reactivate a family this week. We had been working really hard with them and they have finally came back to church. They also went to the temple in the trip we took a couple of weeks ago. They have came back strong and they won't go inactive again.

Miguel and Yanina are doing alright. They didn't come to church this week so that made us kind of sad. They are still on track for their baptism though. We were also able to finish the marriage inscriptions this week. They are now all set to get married. We are now planning with the ward all the marriage and reception plans. Weddings are always pretty stressfull because we have to plan a lot of things.

Martin and Maria are doing better in their relationship but they didn't come to church again this week. They are starting to get on our nerves a little bit because they always say they are going to come. We then go to their house and they either aren't there or they come up with some excuse why they are busy. I think we are going to tell them we are going to leave them and that all the progress they have made will go down the drain. Maybe that will get them excited.

Other than that, everything is the same here in Peru. It won't be long before everything changes.

Elder Isaacson

Saturday, May 14, 2016

May 9, 2016

Hola Familia,

It was really great to be able to see you all yesterday through skype. Everyone looks really good. I think the phone call on Christmas was more trunky. That sounds cool that you have planned a bunch of stuff to do when I get back home but make sure I still have some free time. I can't believe Kyle has been married one year and that Kenzie is about to graduate. Things have changed so much since I was home.

Oh, by the way, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!! I am glad it went well back home. I am kind of in shock that today I start my last transfer. The time has gone so fast. It doesn't feel like it has been more than 22 months. I just got the change list and I am going to be dieing here in Mariategui. My companionship didn't have any change. Page, Parra, and me are all still here as the zone leaders. I am super excited to be able to end my mission in a trio. It will be super fun.

Eva should be getting baptized this week. I don't see any problems that would keep her from getting baptized. Miguel and Yanina are doing great. They were in church again and participate in the classes. Miguel also paid his tithing this week. He is a lot better than most of the members here and he hasn't been baptized. They are still excited for their marriage and their baptism. I am glad that I will be able to still be here for their marriage and baptism. I am going to start pulling some strings so the marriage of Maria and Martin is before I go home. That would be sweet to have my last weekend in Peru be a marriage in el Parque de las Aguas and then a baptism the next day.

Sorry I didn't write much but I saw you yesterday.

Elder Isaacson